Make Glittery Galaxy Goop using Crayola Play Sand & Shaving Cream!

Color your play with this fun and easy 2-3 ingredient activity that makes for a great sensory activity for kids! We created this squishy sparkly goop using Crayola Play Sand and shaving cream... YES, SHAVING CREAM :) (Shhh...Don't tell dad).

Continue reading below for instructions...


Here are the items you will need:



1. Pour 3 Cups of Crayola Play Sand into the mixing bowl.

2. Add a good amount of shaving cream (we held the can button down for about 10 seconds).

3. Dive in and start mixing the shaving cream and colored sand together. You can use a spoon or your hands! TIP: Add more sand or more shaving cream to get to a texture of your liking.

4. Add Glitter to your liking for some sparkle! (optional)

5. Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap so the goop can set over night. 

And there you have it! Enjoy your glittery galaxy goop! Share photos of you and your kids with the goop using #ColorMySummer on Instagram! We can't wait to check it out!